US Senator Phil Gramm Doctoral Fellowship
Description: This fellowship is available only to currently enrolled doctoral students at Texas A&M University and recognizes scholarly excellence. The Gramm Fellowship was established to promote, encourage and reward outstanding teaching and research by doctoral students whose command of their respective disciplines exemplifies the meaning of scholar mentor in the highest sense.
Award: $5,000
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience:Continuing/Current Students
Contact: TAMU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: Nominations Deadline: February
Award: $5,000
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience:Continuing/Current Students
Contact: TAMU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: Nominations Deadline: February
Association of Former Students Distinguished Graduate Student Award
Description: Each year, the Association of Former Students at Texas A&M University chooses up to 15 graduate students to receive Distinguished Graduate Student Awards in one of three categories: Excellence in Research-Doctoral, Excellence in Research-Master’s, and Excellence in Teaching. Student nominations arrive from faculty advisors or departments, and nomination represents a true honor and accomplishment in itself, due to strenuous eligibility requirements. A panel of reviewers including faculty and administrators chooses award recipients.
Award: Watch worth $500
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience: Current/Continuing Students
Contact: TAMU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: February
Award: Watch worth $500
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience: Current/Continuing Students
Contact: TAMU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: February
OGAPS Research and Travel Award
Description: The Graduate Student Research and Presentation Travel Award Program is supported by the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, The Texas A&M Association of Former Students and the Office of Graduate and Professional Studies. The purpose of the program is to support graduate student travel to make presentations or to conduct research off-campus by reimbursing students for some of the eligible expenses incurred.
Award: up to $750
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience: Current/Continuing Students
Contact: TAMU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: Various
Award: up to $750
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience: Current/Continuing Students
Contact: TAMU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: Various
George W Kunze Endowed Graduate Fellowship
Description: The Kunze Prize provides a stipend to a doctoral student nearing completion of their degree program. Students must be nominated by their departments, and the nomination is then forwarded to the college dean and subsequently to the Office of Graduate Studies. The nominees shall have superior academic achievement and on or more publications in a refereed journal(s) in national or international stature. The nominees shall demonstrate good Residentship through contributions to the university and/or the community.
Award: $1,000
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience: Current/Continuing Students
Contact: TAMU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: Departmental Submission: April
Award: $1,000
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience: Current/Continuing Students
Contact: TAMU Office of Graduate & Professional Studies ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: Departmental Submission: April
Ethel Ashworth Tsutsui Award
Description: The research award was established to honor women graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in research. Nominees must be women graduate students currently enrolled in a graduate program at Texas A&M University. They must have completed at least two semesters of graduate study at Texas A&M and be enrolled for at least six semester credit hours during the semester in which they are nominated. Nominations may be made by the candidate or by a Texas A&M faculty member. The mentoring award was established to honor women graduate students, post-docs and research staff who take action to encourage and support women graduate students at Texas A&M. Graduate student nominees must have completed at least two semesters at Texas A&M and currently be enrolled.
Award: $500
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience: Current/Continuing Students
Contact: TAMU College of Science Educational Outreach & Women's Programs ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: Nomination Deadline: November
Award: $500
Residentship Requirements: None
Audience: Current/Continuing Students
Contact: TAMU College of Science Educational Outreach & Women's Programs ([email protected])
Approximate Due Date: Nomination Deadline: November
Susan M Arseven ‘Make a Difference’ Memorial Award
Description: Nominees must be women graduate students currently enrolled in a graduate program at Texas A&M University who have completed at least one semester of graduate study at TAMU and are enrolled for at least six hours during the semester they are nominated. Previous award recipients of Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui or Susan M. Arseven awards are not eligible for nomination.
Award: $1000
Approximate Due Date: Nomination Deadline: February
Award: $1000
Approximate Due Date: Nomination Deadline: February
American Association of University Women Career Development Grant- International Fellowships for international doctoral or postdoctoral research
Award: $18,000–$30,000
Residentship Requirements:
Audience: Who may apply: Women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Approximate Due Date: Opens: August 1 & Deadline: November 15
Residentship Requirements:
Audience: Who may apply: Women pursuing full-time graduate or postdoctoral study in the United States who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents
Approximate Due Date: Opens: August 1 & Deadline: November 15
American Association of University Women Career Development Grant- American Fellowship
Award: $6,000–$30,000
Residentship Requirements:
Audience: Who may apply: Women pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research full time, or preparing research for publication for eight consecutive weeks
Approximate Due Date: Opens: August 1 & Deadline: November 1
Residentship Requirements:
Audience: Who may apply: Women pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research full time, or preparing research for publication for eight consecutive weeks
Approximate Due Date: Opens: August 1 & Deadline: November 1
NASA Harriet G Jenkins Predoctoral Fellowship Project
Description: Applicants must be a U.S. Citizen (either by birth or naturalization), including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and other U.S. territories. Note: Permanent residents and non-US citizens are ineligible for the JPFP. Applicants must be a member of an underrepresented group, which includes women, ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities majoring in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math (STEM) discipline. Applicants must either be within the first 3 years of a graduate program at an accredited, U.S. university OR be in the process of applying to an accredited STEM graduate program. Note:Persons who have advanced to doctoral candidacy are in-eligible. Non-Degree or special status students who are enrolled in masters or doctoral level courses are ineligible. Minimum 3.00 on a 4.00 grading scale (B average and above). If the applicant attends an institution where scales other than 4.00 are used, the applicant's GPA must correspond to a "B" average. If selected, students cannot participate in any other federally-funded fellowship or scholarship program.
Award: Tuition/Stipend Support:
Approximate Due Date: November
Award: Tuition/Stipend Support:
- Ph.D. Fellows - $24,000 (annually)
- Master's Fellows - $18,000 (annually)
- $8500 Tuition Offset (Ph.D. and Master's Fellows)
Approximate Due Date: November
Graduate Women in Science Award
Description: Awards will be made to women holding a degree from a recognized institution of higher learning, of outstanding ability and promise in research, who are performing hypothesis-driven research at any institution in the U.S. or abroad. Career level (e.g. graduate student vs. assistant professor) of the candidate will be taken into consideration when reviewing the proposals. Awards will be made irrespective of race, religion, nationality, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or age. Application for the GWIS Fellowships is offered at no cost to current GWIS members, as a member benefit. For non-members, an application processing fee of $50 is required. Fellowships applicants that are not already GWIS members may join GWIS with a 1-year introductory membership at a discounted rate of $40 (click here to join). Please note that membership approval can take up to 48 hours, so if you want to become a GWIS member, please do so (ideally) at least a week before the Fellowships deadline. Financial need of research funding is a requirement for the application. No project that has already been fully funded will be eligible for the awards. All pending funding sources must be listed in the application and reviewers will consider these when assessing the financial need of the project.
Award: : Up to $10,000
Approximate Due Date: January
Award: : Up to $10,000
Approximate Due Date: January
L’oreal USA for Women in Science
Info: 5 postdoctoral scientists $60,000
Approximate Due Date: February
Approximate Due Date: February
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund
Description: Female residents of developing countries currently enrolled in graduate studies in the United States who plan to return to their country of citizenship post graduation. May not be a US citizen or permanent resident.
Must be a citizen of an eligible country:
Award: 1 year, $12,000
Approximate Due Date: January
Must be a citizen of an eligible country:
Award: 1 year, $12,000
Approximate Due Date: January
PEO Scholar Award
Description: Female US citizens or permanent residents enrolled in a doctoral program with at least 1 year remaining. Nomination must be made through local P.E.O. International Chapter (
Award: year of funding, up to $15,000
Approximate Due Date: Nominations: August- November
Award: year of funding, up to $15,000
Approximate Due Date: Nominations: August- November
Faculty for the Future
Description: Female applicants from developing countries that plan to return to your home country post graduation. Engaged in research in physical sciences, engineering, or technology or a biological sciences project which is multidisciplinary in nature. Must be applying to or currently enrolled in grad program.
Approximate Due Date: November
Approximate Due Date: November